Introducing BUCK5CO

BUCK5CO or BUCK$ is the latest release from Shufl Labs due to drop in July ’24. You can read about why we’ve chosen to build on Base here.

BUCK$ is NOT a DAO. It is an open source web3.0 brand. Taking the best of both the build in public mentality and open source movements, BUCK$ is an experiment in brand building which puts the community at the epicenter of the project. Through leveraging web3.0, users can gain exposure to the brands potential growth and be rewarded for their active participation and contributions. While NFT communities are traditionally built around scarcity, BUCK$ champions abundance.

While many web3.0 initiates attempt to rewrite accepted and proven web2.0 methods for brand building, BUCK$ is very much taking the web2+1 approach as we build out this unique lifestyle brand.

Mission Statement:
Dare to be different. BUCK$ isn’t just a brand; it’s a battleground for the bold, the creative mavericks who aren’t afraid to express themselves. We don’t follow trends — we make them.

Core Values:

  • Creativity Unleashed
  • Rogue Community
  • Innovation or Bust
  • Raw Authenticity
  • Rebel Sustainability
  • Empowerment on Your Terms
  • Uncompromised Quality
  • Growth Without Boundaries

The project is due to launch on Base, an Ethereum L2 built on the optimism stack. To read more about our decision to build on base, you can check out the article here.

To get involved and become a part of the community you can find out more via the BUCK5CO official website and social media links below.


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